Removal of benign skin growths (radiofrequency method)
Different types of tumors (benign, premalignant or malignant) grow on the body, the hair or the mucosa over lifetime under the influence of various factors. The benign tumors include papillomas, fibromas, lipomas, atheromas, hygromas, etc. The benign tumors can appear on any part of the body from face to genitals.

The benign tumors can be diagnosed either visually or through a radiological examination. The word “benign” does not mean they are completely harmless. Once detected, these tumors should be immediately removed, as they can grow into cancer over time. An effective method of treatment of benign tumors is the surgical removal, as in this case the chance of their further growth is minimal.

In the Armenian reality there are cases, when people try to remove the benign tumors at home. It may lead to irreversible consequences.
At Vicmed Aesthetic Surgery Center the benign tumors are treated trough radiofrequency ablation. This type of surgery takes a few minutes, does not leave painful feelings and scars. The advantage of this method is that it removes the tumors of any depth, as it is possible to calculate the exact depth of the affected tissues. This excludes the risk of recurrence of tumors and the existence of scars.Different types of tumors (benign, premalignant or malignant) grow on the body, the hair or the mucosa over lifetime under the influence of various factors. The benign tumors include papillomas, fibromas, lipomas, atheromas, hygromas, etc. The benign tumors can appear on any part of the body from face to genitals.

The benign tumors can be diagnosed either visually or through a radiological examination. The word “benign” does not mean they are completely harmless. Once detected, these tumors should be immediately removed, as they can grow into cancer over time. An effective method of treatment of benign tumors is the surgical removal, as in this case the chance of their further growth is minimal.

In the Armenian reality there are cases, when people try to remove the benign tumors at home. It may lead to irreversible consequences.
At Vicmed Aesthetic Surgery Center the benign tumors are treated trough radiofrequency ablation. This type of surgery takes a few minutes, does not leave painful feelings and scars. The advantage of this method is that it removes the tumors of any depth, as it is possible to calculate the exact depth of the affected tissues. This excludes the risk of recurrence of tumors and the existence of scars.
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